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Planning Application

Retrospective Planning

PremPlan - Retrospective Planning

What Is Residential Retrospective Planning Consent?

Some people commence with building work not knowing their need to obtain planning permission from their Local London Borough. In some cases this is not an issue due to permitted development, however if you have received a letter from your Local Authority regarding planning the chances are you will need to submit a Retrospective Planning Application.

What Is Retrospective Planning Permission?

Retrospective planning permission is required when a person has started building work without obtaining the necessary planning permission from their local council. Once retrospective planning permission has been granted your development will be regularised and will generally have the same legal standings as any other development.

What Can Happen If I Don't Gain Planning Permission?

If building works start and planning permission is required and has not been obtained, retrospective planning permission will be required to regularise the development. A 'retrospective planning application' is simply an application that is submitted before permission is obtained. Anyone who is planning to develop or renovate a property should gain the necessary planning permission prior to starting. Believing you can rely on a retrospective planning permission application is extremely risky. If your unauthorised developmentis unapproved once the retrospective application is made it can be very costly and you may be faced with formal enforcement actions, such as returning the building to its prior appearance; the removal of the development by yourself; the enforced removal of the development by your local authority (including fees) and large fines for the costs incurred by the council.

How Do I Apply For Residential Retrospective Planning Permission?

Generally if the Councils enforcement officers have encouraged an owner or developer to make a retrospective planning application, they believe that they may be granted planning permission for the development. Planning permission officers are only able to advise on matters of planning and are unable to guarantee that planning permission will be granted. Retrospective Planning Applications are dealt with by a single planning officer and are dealt in exactly the same way as any other planning permission application.

Retrospective Planning Permission Consultants

If you have already started or completed your development and require a retrospective planning application, we at PremPlan will act on your behalf to obtain your necessary permission. We are able to perform all the drawings required, photograph your development and submit your retrospective planning application.

Residential C3 (Flat or house) Retrospective Planning Package Includes:
  • Existing elevations
  • Existing floor plans
  • Photo Survey identifying changes made
  • Design and Access statement (conservation report if necessary)
  • Site plan
  • Ordnance Survey (OS) map
  • Submission of a retrospective planning application

Cost: £1,100 + Council Fees + VAT